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Wednesday, July 13, 2016

About the Blogger (Kind of)

About the blogger (Kind of)

Lani was born on an air force base near Tokyo, Japan on August 8, 2004. When in Japan she did modeling for about two years but was unable to continue when her family moved to California in about 2008. She Grew up with many animals.
    2 dogs: An alaskan malamute named Fluffybuns and a husky named Snowball.
    4 cats: Grey Tabby named Sasha, Orange tabby named Tigerstripe, Black cat named Nightshade,White cat named Marshmallow.
    A bird named pecky.
    A lizard (bearded dragon) named dino.
    A black horse named Starjumper.
    And 57 dragons.
She works at a dragon conservation zoo but on her free time she can be found writing fantasy books such as “Rubywood High School” and “Flyers”.
She has won many oscars and rewards and she founded the young author appreciation parade where children with published books get rewards for writing short stories about the people they meet. Lani wanted to write stories from the young age of five when she read all the Harry Potter books in a week. She finally made a blog so that she could interact with the world.


Red=not true              ←This is green because it’s true.